Hisham and Farazdaq
From: Anecdotes of the Pious Ones, # 36, V. 1

Even though Hisham ibn 'Abdul Malik was the crown prince, and those years were the first decade of the second century when the Amawid power was at its peak, he could not touch the Black Stone after circumambulation.

All people were dressed in the same simple garb of Ihram, saying the same remembrance of Allah (swt), and doing the same thing. They were so overwhelmed in their pure emotions that they had no mind to pay attention to the worldly glory of Hisham. The gaurds who were with him to protect Hisham, were feeling helpless in the sight of this glory.

Hisham tried very hard to come close to the Black Stone and touch it. But due to the large crowd, it was not possible. Thus he returned and sat on a high chair to see the pilgrimage. The Syrians who had come with him also stared at the crowd.

At this time, a man who seemed to be a pious spiritual man, having the simple white Ihram appeared. Signs of worship and piety were apparent on his face. He circumambulated around the Ka'ba. Then with a calm composure, and determined steps, he went towards the Black Stone. The crowd made way for him, as soon as they saw him approaching.

The Syrians who had failed to take the crown prince to the Black Stone, were amused with this sight. One of them asked Hisham: "Who is this person?" While Hisham knew that this was Imam 'Ali ibn-e Hussain Zainul 'Abideen (as), he said: "I don't know."

No one could have the courage to dispute Hisham's claim, for their swords were always wet with the blood of the brave, and the bold. But, Farazdaq, the articulate Arab poet, who should have feared Hisham more than any one else, was so emotional that he said: "But I know him." Thus, he stood on an elevated ground and read a beautiful poem, which is one of the masterpieces of the 'Arab language. These were words that could only take form when the soul of the poet flows as the tide of the ocean. Thus he said:
"This man is the one, who is known to all the sands of the land of Butha. This Ka'ba knows him. This Haram, and the land outside it knows him. This is the child of the best of God's servants. This is the pure, and pious infallible. If you say that you don't know him, does not hurt his status. Perhaps you don't know him. But all the Arab and non Arab know him.........."
Hisham was furious at Farazdaq after hearing this poem. He ordered that his portion from the public treasure be discontinued, and that he should be imprisoned in 'Asfan, located between Makkah, and Madinah.

But Farazdaq wasn't bothered by this nuance which he gained as an outcome of his boldness and honesty. He continued to create poetry against Hisham in the prison.

Imam 'Ali ibn al Hussain (as) sent some money to Farazdaq, since he was in the prison and had no means of earning. Farazdaq didn't accept it, and said that he had said the poem only for God."

Imam 'Ali ibn al Hussain (as) resent him the money saying: "Allah is well aware of your intention, and will reward you appropriately. If you accept this money, it shall not suffer your reward from Allah (swt)." And he urged Farazdaq to accept the gift. Finally Farazdaq accepted it.[1]

[1] Bihar, V. 11, p. 36