Islamic Quiz - 12
Question 1
When did the prohibition of wine and gambling was revealed in the Holy Quran ?
  1. 3 A.H
  2. 1 A.H
  3. 2 A.H
  4. 4 A.H
Question 2
Who gave the name "Muslims" to the Muslims ?
  1. Prophet Muhammad
  2. Prophet Nuh
  3. Prophet Ibrahim
  4. Prophet Adam
Question 3
Halal is the Islamic term for things which are permitted and lawful. What is Islamic term used for prohibited and unlawful things by Allah ?
  1. Haram
  2. Sunnah
  3. Makrooh
  4. Mustahab
Question 4
Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) father Abdullah died approximately six months before the Prophet's birth. Where was he buried ?
  1. Taif
  2. Makkah
  3. Damauscus
  4. Madinah
Question 5
Which salat was the first one performed facing in the direction of Ka'aba ?
  1. Asr
  2. Isha
  3. Zuhr
  4. Maghrib
Question 6
According to Islamic teachings, disobedience and insulting parents is a major sin. Is this statement true ?
  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. We do not know for sure
  4. None of the above
Question 7
What does the term Munafiq mean ?
  1. Israel
  2. Believer
  3. Hypocrite
  4. None of the above
Question 8
After they disobeyd Prophet Hud, they were distroyed by a fierce wind which Allah caused to blow against them for seven nights and eight days. Who were those people ?
  1. People of Thamud
  2. People of Madinah
  3. People of Makkah
  4. People of Aad
Question 9
Prophet Saleh was sent to ?
  1. People of Thamud
  2. People of Kahaf
  3. People of Aad
  4. People of Madinah
Question 10
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born about 600 years after Prophet Isa (PBUH) and ____ years after Prophet Musa (PBUH).
  1. 1800
  2. 2000
  3. 1200
  4. 2500